Holiday is started xD But it's the beginning of boringness.
Lols. But quite happy also because can do anything u like. Haha.
Going to have a gathering by the month of december.
But dunno where's the destination. Haha. Heard that it's fun. Hehe
This is the first time they invited me to their gathering. Haha.
Felt so happy. Hehe. I went KL after my mid year test ==
My test end on the Wed and I went go KL on Fri. Hais.
Missed alot of things. My star award!!! T.T
Oh nooo T.T Missed my school food fair and Pei Min food fair.
Huhuhu. My music recital, the star award presentation.
Aduh. And 1 week time to stay in 2A. Aiks.
I just back from Miri on Sunday. And today is Wed.
Did not buy lots of things from KL because daddy brought us to limteh more than shopping.
Until now I havent receive my report card. Aduhh.
Going to get my repost card and test papers from my friends.
Haha. Quite emo in Kl because no one chat with me T.T
Hais. But finally came back Miri. Haha. I felt myself became fatter.
Aduh. Paiseh x.x Going to watch 2012 these days. Wakakaa.
Heard its nice. My 2nd sis and her family went back on Monday afternoon.
With the 2 seh gia. Aduh. Bisingnya ==
Keep kacau me. Haha. But they're cute :)

Shuai ge lai de. Haha. I saw Ray Ray's photo in facebook after i back Miri.
Wow! Graduated edi. Ji Shuai yi xia. xD My xiao shuai ge zhang da le.
Haha. So miss him ah. Aduhh. Now he very guai le oh.
Know how to wear clothes and shoes by himself. Haha.
And he got a new born brother named Richard. Lols.
Dunno why will call Richard also. I prefer Ricky more. Haha.
Got ppl said I changed alot when I sms with him. Errrr......
I think its because too long time you din talk with me plus never see hw i faced this kind of problem.
Haha. That ppl wont read this because he wont come my blog. ==
Will post my result to my blog after I receive my report card. Haha.
Quite okay la. But quite sad because cant hit my target. Aiks.
Nvm la. Try my best edi. Im happy with my UEC chinese score. Hahahaha.
Wakaka. Lols. Sot. Dunno wanna say wat agn.
Wish you guys will have a good holiday. Good luck :)