Finally i update my blog. So long time x update already.
This few weeks busy with my school orientation. Hehe.
Enjoyed it so much. But sadly today is the closing day.
Haiz. Cant spend that long time to spend with them.
So sad. Huhu. Almost cry when both the O.C gave talk.
Haiz. This time was the first time I be a AJK.
The feeling was so good. The new students are all like my kids.
*sounds like im so old*
Haha. But its quite true, I really treat them like my kids.
Or I should say, my little sisters and brothers.
Let's introduce you all about my group 5 members :D
Lanny Ho which is Alfred Ho & LiFen's sis is the most active one in my group. Her art skill is awesome.
Her friend, Pricsilla is a band lover, she wanted to join RSB ;)
Another friend of them is Sharon Fam, 杀人犯, she has a very cute looking.
Teresa L., is also in my group ;) She has a dream. She hope she can be a good singer when she' grows up.
Shania has scored a good result in her UPSR and she sweats alot.
Catherine, I'm sorry that i din talk much to you in orientation Lols. But you look brave.
Hehe. Adel is a tall girl, have a nickname of 母老虎 since primary school.
*dont worry, your ajk jiejie (me) got it before*
Hmmmm.. Mei Chiem is the most quiet one in my group. But when she met her brother, Lyan Paul, she can be quite rude with him. Lol
Vyvone, im sorry i dunno how to spell your name. Paiseh also din talk with u much ;)
*but i know you can have alot of excuses for us to not do something*
Grace W., is my AJk(JOyce)'s sister. Din talk much to her also since she stick with her sis alot.
Yik Jun is a tall girl too. But not very tall also. I always forget what's her name. Lols sorry.
Lyan Paul, Mei Chiem's brother. He also sweats alot. Haha. He is also a quiet guy even when he is talking. Lol.
Gregory, my group's swimmer. He is an awesome swimmer, ever represented Sarawak to swim.
Fwu Jye, normal guy. haha. Dunno how to describe because din talk much to him too.
Brandon W, Mr John's son, is a band member, and he is shy.I asked him to help me sign, but he rejected me TT
Chin Bao Wen, another "sweater" Lols. Big in size and really sweat alot, always dissapear when we din stay beside him. lol
Aron Ng, this one i talked the most to him. lol. because he always sit infront.
His friends call him "playboy". Hmmm ~ and he is my friend's ex. *my friend smaller than me* Ohya, i saw he blush today just because i teased him. Muahaha! and he cares his hair alot.
Last one is Lung Yun, only talked to him few words nia.
Because he just joined orientation 1 day which is today. Lol
Dunno him much. Lala~
Btw, I'm really happy I can be AJK of those kids.
*although they only younger than me 3 years*