
Monday, August 22, 2011

English Oral + C&G Exam

Today morning, I had my English Oral. Not a bad result I got, 27 out of 30, although I think its little bit higher than my standard. Well, I think my English teacher is too kind to us. Haha. The oral for today wasn't that good in respond which make me feel little bit 不满意. But it's okay. Haha. Here is our oral script.

Scene 1
JT: Mum, where are you rushing to?
CJ: To the toilet. Oh, the toilet bowl still looks dirty even though I had washed it for a number of times. Guess I should replace it with a new toilet bowl. Honey, bring me my phone please.
JT: Ok, mum. Coming.
CJ: Thanks honey.

Scene 2
TL: Hello, PPL Motor Homes, Mr Goh speaking. May I help you?
CJ: Hello, Mr Goh. I wish to order toilet bowls from your shop. I heard that your price are reasonable.
TL: Well, they are cheaper compare to other shops. There are various kind of toilet bowl in our shop. Which kind of toilet bowls do you prefer?
CJ: I prefer toilet bowls that are comfortable to sit on and easy to clean. If possible, I would like to order to the cheapest. For your information, my budget is only up to RM 24.99.
TL: Are you kidding? RM 24.99 huh? You might as well go for physiatrics to check on yourself. Sorry, WRONG NUMBER.
CJ: WAIT!! Nah, I was just joking. Any price will do as long it is reasonable.
TL: Humorous huh? Address please and telephone number as well.
CJ: Lot 1314, Happy Ending Garden, 98000 Miri, Sarawak. Telephone number, 012 3456789.
TL: What a unique address and telephone number you have. Your order had been placed and will arrive in a few days.

Scene 3

CJ: Coming. Honey, call father.
JT: Call father? Why should I? Why do I have to call father? I don't want.
CJ: Why not? Be a good girl, call father now.
JT: The people whom I call mother and father for years are not my parents?
This person's face, eyes, he.....he is my real father? Now, he want to bring me away. Oh god, why does fate choose to play around with me?
CJ: Honey, I'm asking you to call father. Don't be so disobedient. Call father now.
JT: Thank you everyone who cared for me. Thank you mum for raising me up until I grow up this old. Father!!!
CJ: What are you doing?! I'm asking you to call father. The delivery man has come to deliver our order.

I took my C&G Accounting Exam in this afternoon. Finally the exam is here. Haha. I'm so nervous before the exam starts. But when the exam begin, I felt good. And after I handed in my exam paper to the examiner, I feel little bit dizzy and my eyes very dry. Xing Han left the room at the same time with me and we discussed the answer after that. o.o I have 1 mistake now. LOL. Hope there is the only 1 mistake so I can get 1st class result. HAHA! (I'm gonna crazy) Today I gave the guitar picks for Py and Felix. Quite happy that they like it. Haha :D Heard that about 2 months later my C&G exam result will release. Hope I can get a good result . HEHE. Wish me good luck. Haha. I just got a few photos of me, Andy, Suk yin and Alvy. I'll upload the photo to the related post here.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blog template

AH! Who can tell me what happen to my blog template :( The sidebar move to the bottom. ISH~! Sien. Anyone can help me? :(

Saturday, August 20, 2011


看到这个标题的时候,请不要吓一跳。哈哈。因为今天的确是我的宝贝外甥的生日 :D
Ray Ray! 祝你8岁生日快乐!他告诉我们大姐买了一个Angry Bird的蛋糕给他,还说他很喜欢。哈哈。我姐姐打算买一个Boom Bird给他,因为他说Boom Bird最厉害==小孩就是小孩,就是这样天真可爱。好想念他 :( 希望他不会忘记我 :D


刚才2+点去Parkson,这次是约了银和Andy。妈妈之前很不赞同原来是因为她以为是跟一班男生出去,之后呢,她答应了,说只要姐姐肯载我去就行。结果呢,我四姐答应了 :) 2+多到Parkson,我是最迟的,对不起!因为我姐姐以为我约3点。我买了一个Angry Bird的扇子给Yum,希望她会喜欢。虽然不是很贵,但是还是希望你喜欢,因为最近没存到什么钱,所以没办法买比较贵的礼物。很抱歉。希望你谅解。呵呵。我在Parkson过得蛮开心的,至少在下午烦躁的心情都不见了。我们去了ToysRUs那里玩,变成小孩子那样,一直去按会发出声音的洋娃娃或是乐器。虽然听起来是有点幼稚,但是好过没事做,对吧?哈哈。之后呢,我就去了Popular附近的一间音乐店,买了两个Guitar Pick,这次呢,我又买了两个特别的。这个的设计有点像戒指,用法就是带在拇指那里来弹Guitar。希望你们会喜欢啦。买了一个黑一个白的,都蛮不错吧?今天没去Imperial Mall所以没办法帮你们买到像上次那个翅膀的。哈哈。希望你们喜欢吧 :) 对了,刚才和Andy拍了几张照片,但是不是用我的电话,改次再Upload吧。祝大家开心。哦,还有,今天早上我梦到了自己像蝴蝶那样飞,感觉好好,有点怕怕的感觉,怕随时会从空中掉下来。但是同时又有一种很兴奋的感觉,在梦里我还摘花还在空中旋转,同时把花洒在地上,然后花在草地上形成一个圆圈:D第一次有做这种梦。哈哈。好好玩 :P 今天就写到这儿吧,下面那张照片就是我今天买的Guitar Pick。祝大家天天开心。

Alvy & Andy :)
Andy & me (I look so "mature" in the pic)



Sunday, August 14, 2011

聽你說(郁可唯 & 林凡)

今天在Radio听到这首歌,所以就分享给大家。我第一次听到这个歌是淑银在Facebook涂鸦墙上分享的。第一次听到的时候我就很喜欢了 :) 谢谢你啦,好朋友。希望大家会喜欢。我喜欢这首歌的旋律,歌词也不错 :)

聽你說(郁可唯 & 林凡)


郁:我很開心因為努力生活 和你們分享榮耀的每一秒鐘
如果難過你肩膀最遼闊 你幫我帶走烏雲滿布的天空
如果生活少了有你陪我 我整天開著手機也感到失落

林:我懂星座卻沒有人像我 真的喜歡一個人安靜的自由
我做的夢我堅持做到最後 就算我爬到雲端也繼續做夢
我唱的歌只希望能快樂 其他的我也不想要想的太多

郁:聽你說 聽你說 我們同時擁有一個真心的朋友
聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

林:聽你說 聽你說 我們真實擁有一片美好的天空
不能常聯絡 卻更緊握 我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說

林:我懂星座卻沒有人像我 真的喜歡一個人安靜的自由(郁:呼嗚嗚)
我做的夢我堅持做到最後 就算我爬到


郁:我唱的歌只希望能快樂 其他的我也不想要想的太多(林:吼喔喔)

轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
聽你說 聽你說

聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

林:聽你說 聽你說(郁:聽你說)
不能常聯絡 (郁:卻更緊握)

合:我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說(林:嗚喔喔)

郁:聽你說 (林: 聽你說)
林:聊日出日落 因為有夢 (合:所以更認真生活 吼)

合:(郁:聽你說 聽你說) 我們同時擁有一個真心的朋友
聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

合:(郁:聽你說 聽你說) 我們真實擁有一片美好的天空
我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說
只想聽你說 聽你說

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time passes EXTREMELY fast

Time passes EXTREMELY fast. Don't you feel that? As the time passing, people are changing. The people around you now may not be the one who will around you in the future. Why did I say so? The people may be the same, but the quality of him/her may not be the same. Many people think that they won't change, but time can prove the fact. Im the one of them. I said before, I wont change when I was in primary school, but I changed. I said that I wont leave my mummy when I grow up, I wont get married and I will always accompany her. At that time, I didn't know what is love, what is a relationship. The only thing that I knew, I'm with my mummy, I'm belong to my mummy, I'm my mummy's daughter, I'm under my mummy. As the time passing, I'm changing. I'm not the one who always accompany my mummy just like the 6 year-old me. 3 and a half year ago, I was the new students of RRSS. And now, I'm in Form 4, when I see those Form 1 kids, they recall back my Form 1 life. Time really passes very fast. I wish myself can cherish my time as much as I can. And I can do the best in my life. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011


在开始这个Topic之前呢,我先祝福Janice Wong & Kelly Ngu 生日快乐 :)

为什么我会有这个题目呢? 最近我遇见和听见那些“男人”说到一些很刺耳的话. 我很不明白为什么男孩子就是爱说些有的没的. 为什么他们就爱把“搞”这个难听的字眼用在女生身上? 难道他们不会觉得这样很伤人很没有礼貌吗? 我真的很不明白为什么男生都喜欢说到“性”, 还越说越兴奋. 真的是莫名其妙. 男生们, 请你们想想我们的感受, 不要以为女生笑就觉得她们不怎么样, 或许一部分的女生不会排斥, 但我相信大多数女生都很不喜欢这样, 请不要以为笑就代表喜欢, 有时笑只是因为不想面对, 不想回答.

今天呢, 是Janice的生日, YiXin呢就Plan了一个小小的游戏跟Janice玩. 可怜的Janice被我们玩到那么可怜. 哈哈. 但是嘛~也值得, 是不是? 不但得到了礼物, 还有个难忘的生日呢~礼物我就没准备啦, 不好意思, 今年经济不好. 哈哈.

有件事我真不明白 o.o 有人把我帮他买的Pick弄不见了. 真厉害~第二个弄不见了. 哈哈~ 那么美的Pick也可以弄不见== 我还真佩服你. 才几天罢了啊! 我的天. 你要多一个一模一样的Pick, 我看是真的需要一段时间了. 你就等99吧, 等到我去Imperial Mall再帮你们吧.

Today's quote :

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New profile pic in Facebook

Just changed my profile picture in Facebook O.O Maybe some of my friends will ask me "Change again?" . Haha. Yea, I changed my profile pic again. This time I changed the same one with my good friend, Chung Ling. Please take note, we are just GOOD FRIEND. Haha. The picture was took by Chung Ling himself. Actually he wan to take his own picture, but I kacau him when I saw him perasan again. HAHA! :x (I say nothing) . There were some more pictures took on that day which is 4th of August (Last Thursday) when we were waiting for the time reach 4.10pm.

The crazy me :)
The hardworking CJ :D
Mata Julin :P
Angeline & I XD
(She is so tall that even when stand with my tiptoes, I still shorter than her)
My New Profile Picture
(Two PIG ~ LOL !)

I gave the guitar pick to my friend yesterday and he was satisfied with it. Haha. Not only him, the one sitting beside me (Felix) also said that the pick look nice. HAHA. Definately it's nice. HAHA. Because for me its very nice and special too :D Finally, I bought something that he satisfied :) Today my mom made mooncake :D I ate 1 mini mooncakes when i back home. Wahahah. I'm so happy. hehehe :D Happy Mooncake Festival (早来的祝福)

Today's quote :
"Loneliness makes people forget how to cherish life and forgot how precious the life is."
人是因为孤单, 而不懂得珍惜生命, 不懂得生命的可贵

Saturday, August 6, 2011




今天呢,过得不错。买了很多给我外甥的衣服,还买了跟姐姐一样的手表。也帮朋友买了Guitar pick希望他喜欢啦。哈哈。下午还还了我的心愿,让我吃了GCB,还在McD看到朋友 O.O 现在才发觉到他变了。哈哈。可能是我不了解他罢了。因为现在他看起来比较踏实了。
这就是Guitar Pick的近照O.O希望会合你心意啦

Today's quote :
"The days I spend with you are always Valentine's day, because you are my valentine"

Thursday, August 4, 2011


What is love? A lot of people around me troubled in love. Love is confusing. The more you want to forget or avoid, the more you can't. Some of the people can recover from the pain in a short time after being hurt but for some of them, the hurt will occupy their life. True, a new relationship is just like a gamble. Your love, your time, your heart are your wagers. No one can previse the things that happen in the future, or even the next minutes. If you never start a gamble, you will never know the result. Do not judge a book by its cover, but normally people choose a book by judging its cover. It's just like gambling. If you never try, you will never know. If you never try to be in love, you will never know what is the feeling of in love. Love can be easy, can be hard, can be simple, can be complicated, can be happy, can be hurt. Its just like gambling. How much you pay doesn't mean you how much you get. Love can also be a challenge. Challenging yourself how much can you give and how much can you pay for the consequences. Love is just like gambling, before you get into it, you have to know you have to pay for any the consequences, even if its not the one in you expectation.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Music :)

These few days I played Felix's guitar in school during break time (and today after school) till my fingertip painful. LOL! I starting to play it smoother than when I played it 1st time :D So happy. Haha. But I don't feel to learn it, dunno why. I got the piano score last few days from Felix O.O "For Elise" is so hard. OMG! LOL! I only can play the 1st part. FAIL! =.= Btw, I will try my best. HEHE. I'll get Canon in D and Kiss The Rain de score soon. :D! Wish me good luck. God bless. HEHE

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

During Break Time ~ !

Yesterday, Anthonia was having fun with her camera. She took my photo when I was laughing for unknown reason. LOL! I like the picture actually although its quite funny. HAHA
I dunno what reason made me laugh like this while others doing homework so seriously
We were staring at our youngest sister due to her disobedient
(HAHA *Evil Laugh*)
*Eiwenne, Eleen, Jun Tsui, Anthonia, Cj, Kimberley, Jun Ni & Angeline*
(Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, Lah, Di, Doh)
The two kindergarden kids playing with "car"
O.O ! Samseng Lao DA! LordKim!
(Finally she took off her transformer, gratz :D)

My school life actually became happier since I'm so good with them this year. Not only "The Secret Seven", but also with SukYin, YumYum and ect. :D Thanks a lot for giving me so much of joy.

Today quote : (Learn from either Felix/Brian/EuMin)
"I'm gay but I'm not a gay"