
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Form 1 UEC examination tips (Objective questions)

Objective questions. There are 40 objective questions. The examination is from
chapter 5 to chapter 8.
Study these areas. Key points are given too. Most of the questions here are given from
the workbook.
· Air and its constituents pg. 85 textbook (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide)
o Combustion and the three conditions for combustion. Pg 86. Products of
o The car produces what? There are two. One is water and another is
??(carbon monoxide)
Test for gases (Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide)
o Inert gases (pg 104 – 105)
o Slow and fast oxidation (pg 96 of the textbook)
· Energy- Go through the questions in the workbook. (pg 57,58)
- Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
- Biomass energy (The use of waste decay to produce
· Heat – Surfaces (Black and white surfaces)
SI unit between Temperature and heat
Convection (Heat travel through liquid and solid) , conduction
(through solid)
and radiation (through vacuum)
 Changes of states of matter
o Sublimation (gas to solids)
o Freezing (liquid to solids)
· Biodiversity
-Penicillin (Medicinal value)
-Animal and plant cell differences. (limitation to growth, which one will
stop growing)
-Fungus – Mould, Yeast
-Protozoa – Paramecium(animal cell), Euglena (Plant and animal cell)
-Photosynthesis (energy change), Respiration
*Photosynthesis occurs during the day and plants also
respire at night producing carbon dioxide.
-Bacteria’s, Microorganisms, Echinoderms
- Metamorphosis
-Complete and incomplete (pg 178) Students need to know
differences between this two items)
-5 types of vertebrates – reptiles, pisces(fishes), 两栖类amphibia, aves(bird), 哺乳类mammalia
- Place where animal stay , Habitat.

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