
Monday, January 19, 2009

th3 three with spectacles ~!!!XD

The 3 siblings

●•piG Hui•●



●•We ar3 the memb3r of the Bong's family•●
●•We are borned in the sam3 family•●
●•We are borned in the happy family •●
●•We are happy because w3 have a pair of good parents•●
●•We love our parents because th3y love us•●
●•Family is the closest people around us•●
●•They are the best people for telling secret•●
●•b3caus3 w3 ar3 born3d in the same family•●
●•Th3 same place•●
●•Th3 same home•●
●•Th3 same family•●
●•And w3 live together•●
●•Grow together•●
●•And w3 learn together•●
●•In the same family•●
●•Lov3 Your Family•●
●•Lov3 Your parents•●
●•And love Your siblings•●
●•b3cause they are th3 VIP in your life•●
●•It's what God create for you•●
●•And, it cant buy from other way•●
●•It's only in your family•●
●•And it's only one•●

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