Help them with ur knowledges, maths etc
You can donate 10 grains for each question
Help them, they need your help

I donated 3470 grains of rice today
How about you??
Can you donate some rice for them??
If i can, why cant you??
I believe you all are a ppl with a good-hearted..
They are waiting for our help..
HAHHAHA.. eiseh lei.. Chu Jun..so kind hearted.. another positive part of your personality. HEHE.. blekz.. i wonder did they really get it or not? How come just answer the question can give them rice de. What do you think?
haha..of cos of cos~!!!!hehehe..tat one i dunno lo..dunno la..just play it..nothing bah..act it as a game lo..haha..i don care la..it says can help ppl mah..sui bian lo..haha..
weiyah.. i only got to manage to make 1000 grains nia.. and you make 3470.. woah.. SAVE ONE CHILD from starvation..
YES.. good to know la.. 80 marks u can get it.. just need 60 more marks nia.. 5 marks in each subject.. U can do it.. I will always support u.. eiseh.. got goal wo..
haha..aiyo..everyday go play lo..hehehe..sure can donate more than 5000 de la..haha..maybe 1000000??wow!!!haha..
hais..since i never get 80% in average last year, i hav a little bit stress to get it this year..T^T..hope i can la..hais..5 marks each sub..aidi~so hard ah!!!T.T..sad sad!!!T.T
YO YO YO Chu Jun.. Oo.. that's ur secret ka? Now i know.. but i dumb wo.. play how also still get low.. hai.z.. so sad.. hehehehehehe..
I will support u to get 80 ++. I know Chu Jun can do it la.. hardworking and smart lagi... hehehe.. =p
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