Quite boring now. Aiks. Alone at home with mum.
And she's sleeping. Oooh NOooo. Haha.
Too bored till took ice cream to eat.
Haha. It was bought by my sis for her children.
Then she asked me to take it if I want to eat.
So I took one lo. Haha. We call it MooMoo~ xD
Today is the first day of Dec.
Aduh. So fast. 1 more month then 2010 le. Hais.
Now listening to 我感动天感动地 this song.
These few days keep listen to this song because of my nephew and jie fu.
Lols. Haha. It's nice. I like it :)
My nephew come and ask me hug him agn today after lunch.
We were just finish our dragonfruit, apples and guava.
Haha. Then I hug him and let him sat on my feet.
Long time did not take pic with my hp edi.
Suddenly got the mood to take it, so took some pic with them
Today is a rainning day. Whole day keep raining.
Very shuang xD Because weather not hot. Haha.
Feel to give up dancing class because of laziness.
Feeling guilty but not yet tell my sister.
Scared later kena boom. x.X
o.O Trying to find a job for myself but time not match.
And I hope I can work with my friends. Lalala~
If my sister read this sure let her boom.
Sometimes I also hate myself why would I so weak.
Always need someone to accompany me.
HATE IT! I want to learn my sisters.
They are very independence. Hate myself because I cant be an independence ppl.
Hais. Suan le. Hope this will not last for a long time.
I want to be an independence ppl! xD
And I want to watch 2012!! T.T
Waiting for a long time edi. Still cannot watch it.
Since June/July! Oh Noo! Huhu.
Going to watch it maybe this Sunday?! Dunno.
Haha. 2ml maybe go out with friends for the sunrise or sunset (Havent decide yet ;))
Friday went out with friends for 2012.
But did not watch it because of the time. Zzz.
Nvm la. So we watched Ninja Assasin. Haha.
Dunno why I felt very asleep when I watched it.
Maybe too comfortable le. LOL. hahaha.
But the movie was quite nice. xD
We went for bowling after buying the tickets.
Little bit paiseh because first time go there. x.x
Haha. But quite fun also la. Hehe.
Form 3 life. Oh no! T.T Scary. Lols.
How to survive?! Lalala~ Siao liaw.
Have a nice day. :) Take care and remember to drink enough water ya.
God bless u xD
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