
Monday, August 22, 2011

English Oral + C&G Exam

Today morning, I had my English Oral. Not a bad result I got, 27 out of 30, although I think its little bit higher than my standard. Well, I think my English teacher is too kind to us. Haha. The oral for today wasn't that good in respond which make me feel little bit 不满意. But it's okay. Haha. Here is our oral script.

Scene 1
JT: Mum, where are you rushing to?
CJ: To the toilet. Oh, the toilet bowl still looks dirty even though I had washed it for a number of times. Guess I should replace it with a new toilet bowl. Honey, bring me my phone please.
JT: Ok, mum. Coming.
CJ: Thanks honey.

Scene 2
TL: Hello, PPL Motor Homes, Mr Goh speaking. May I help you?
CJ: Hello, Mr Goh. I wish to order toilet bowls from your shop. I heard that your price are reasonable.
TL: Well, they are cheaper compare to other shops. There are various kind of toilet bowl in our shop. Which kind of toilet bowls do you prefer?
CJ: I prefer toilet bowls that are comfortable to sit on and easy to clean. If possible, I would like to order to the cheapest. For your information, my budget is only up to RM 24.99.
TL: Are you kidding? RM 24.99 huh? You might as well go for physiatrics to check on yourself. Sorry, WRONG NUMBER.
CJ: WAIT!! Nah, I was just joking. Any price will do as long it is reasonable.
TL: Humorous huh? Address please and telephone number as well.
CJ: Lot 1314, Happy Ending Garden, 98000 Miri, Sarawak. Telephone number, 012 3456789.
TL: What a unique address and telephone number you have. Your order had been placed and will arrive in a few days.

Scene 3

CJ: Coming. Honey, call father.
JT: Call father? Why should I? Why do I have to call father? I don't want.
CJ: Why not? Be a good girl, call father now.
JT: The people whom I call mother and father for years are not my parents?
This person's face, eyes, he.....he is my real father? Now, he want to bring me away. Oh god, why does fate choose to play around with me?
CJ: Honey, I'm asking you to call father. Don't be so disobedient. Call father now.
JT: Thank you everyone who cared for me. Thank you mum for raising me up until I grow up this old. Father!!!
CJ: What are you doing?! I'm asking you to call father. The delivery man has come to deliver our order.

I took my C&G Accounting Exam in this afternoon. Finally the exam is here. Haha. I'm so nervous before the exam starts. But when the exam begin, I felt good. And after I handed in my exam paper to the examiner, I feel little bit dizzy and my eyes very dry. Xing Han left the room at the same time with me and we discussed the answer after that. o.o I have 1 mistake now. LOL. Hope there is the only 1 mistake so I can get 1st class result. HAHA! (I'm gonna crazy) Today I gave the guitar picks for Py and Felix. Quite happy that they like it. Haha :D Heard that about 2 months later my C&G exam result will release. Hope I can get a good result . HEHE. Wish me good luck. Haha. I just got a few photos of me, Andy, Suk yin and Alvy. I'll upload the photo to the related post here.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blog template

AH! Who can tell me what happen to my blog template :( The sidebar move to the bottom. ISH~! Sien. Anyone can help me? :(

Saturday, August 20, 2011


看到这个标题的时候,请不要吓一跳。哈哈。因为今天的确是我的宝贝外甥的生日 :D
Ray Ray! 祝你8岁生日快乐!他告诉我们大姐买了一个Angry Bird的蛋糕给他,还说他很喜欢。哈哈。我姐姐打算买一个Boom Bird给他,因为他说Boom Bird最厉害==小孩就是小孩,就是这样天真可爱。好想念他 :( 希望他不会忘记我 :D


刚才2+点去Parkson,这次是约了银和Andy。妈妈之前很不赞同原来是因为她以为是跟一班男生出去,之后呢,她答应了,说只要姐姐肯载我去就行。结果呢,我四姐答应了 :) 2+多到Parkson,我是最迟的,对不起!因为我姐姐以为我约3点。我买了一个Angry Bird的扇子给Yum,希望她会喜欢。虽然不是很贵,但是还是希望你喜欢,因为最近没存到什么钱,所以没办法买比较贵的礼物。很抱歉。希望你谅解。呵呵。我在Parkson过得蛮开心的,至少在下午烦躁的心情都不见了。我们去了ToysRUs那里玩,变成小孩子那样,一直去按会发出声音的洋娃娃或是乐器。虽然听起来是有点幼稚,但是好过没事做,对吧?哈哈。之后呢,我就去了Popular附近的一间音乐店,买了两个Guitar Pick,这次呢,我又买了两个特别的。这个的设计有点像戒指,用法就是带在拇指那里来弹Guitar。希望你们会喜欢啦。买了一个黑一个白的,都蛮不错吧?今天没去Imperial Mall所以没办法帮你们买到像上次那个翅膀的。哈哈。希望你们喜欢吧 :) 对了,刚才和Andy拍了几张照片,但是不是用我的电话,改次再Upload吧。祝大家开心。哦,还有,今天早上我梦到了自己像蝴蝶那样飞,感觉好好,有点怕怕的感觉,怕随时会从空中掉下来。但是同时又有一种很兴奋的感觉,在梦里我还摘花还在空中旋转,同时把花洒在地上,然后花在草地上形成一个圆圈:D第一次有做这种梦。哈哈。好好玩 :P 今天就写到这儿吧,下面那张照片就是我今天买的Guitar Pick。祝大家天天开心。

Alvy & Andy :)
Andy & me (I look so "mature" in the pic)



Sunday, August 14, 2011

聽你說(郁可唯 & 林凡)

今天在Radio听到这首歌,所以就分享给大家。我第一次听到这个歌是淑银在Facebook涂鸦墙上分享的。第一次听到的时候我就很喜欢了 :) 谢谢你啦,好朋友。希望大家会喜欢。我喜欢这首歌的旋律,歌词也不错 :)

聽你說(郁可唯 & 林凡)


郁:我很開心因為努力生活 和你們分享榮耀的每一秒鐘
如果難過你肩膀最遼闊 你幫我帶走烏雲滿布的天空
如果生活少了有你陪我 我整天開著手機也感到失落

林:我懂星座卻沒有人像我 真的喜歡一個人安靜的自由
我做的夢我堅持做到最後 就算我爬到雲端也繼續做夢
我唱的歌只希望能快樂 其他的我也不想要想的太多

郁:聽你說 聽你說 我們同時擁有一個真心的朋友
聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

林:聽你說 聽你說 我們真實擁有一片美好的天空
不能常聯絡 卻更緊握 我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說

林:我懂星座卻沒有人像我 真的喜歡一個人安靜的自由(郁:呼嗚嗚)
我做的夢我堅持做到最後 就算我爬到


郁:我唱的歌只希望能快樂 其他的我也不想要想的太多(林:吼喔喔)

轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
聽你說 聽你說

聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

林:聽你說 聽你說(郁:聽你說)
不能常聯絡 (郁:卻更緊握)

合:我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說(林:嗚喔喔)

郁:聽你說 (林: 聽你說)
林:聊日出日落 因為有夢 (合:所以更認真生活 吼)

合:(郁:聽你說 聽你說) 我們同時擁有一個真心的朋友
聊日出日落 因為有夢 所以更認真生活

合:(郁:聽你說 聽你說) 我們真實擁有一片美好的天空
我們交換的美夢 只想聽你說
只想聽你說 聽你說

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time passes EXTREMELY fast

Time passes EXTREMELY fast. Don't you feel that? As the time passing, people are changing. The people around you now may not be the one who will around you in the future. Why did I say so? The people may be the same, but the quality of him/her may not be the same. Many people think that they won't change, but time can prove the fact. Im the one of them. I said before, I wont change when I was in primary school, but I changed. I said that I wont leave my mummy when I grow up, I wont get married and I will always accompany her. At that time, I didn't know what is love, what is a relationship. The only thing that I knew, I'm with my mummy, I'm belong to my mummy, I'm my mummy's daughter, I'm under my mummy. As the time passing, I'm changing. I'm not the one who always accompany my mummy just like the 6 year-old me. 3 and a half year ago, I was the new students of RRSS. And now, I'm in Form 4, when I see those Form 1 kids, they recall back my Form 1 life. Time really passes very fast. I wish myself can cherish my time as much as I can. And I can do the best in my life. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011


在开始这个Topic之前呢,我先祝福Janice Wong & Kelly Ngu 生日快乐 :)

为什么我会有这个题目呢? 最近我遇见和听见那些“男人”说到一些很刺耳的话. 我很不明白为什么男孩子就是爱说些有的没的. 为什么他们就爱把“搞”这个难听的字眼用在女生身上? 难道他们不会觉得这样很伤人很没有礼貌吗? 我真的很不明白为什么男生都喜欢说到“性”, 还越说越兴奋. 真的是莫名其妙. 男生们, 请你们想想我们的感受, 不要以为女生笑就觉得她们不怎么样, 或许一部分的女生不会排斥, 但我相信大多数女生都很不喜欢这样, 请不要以为笑就代表喜欢, 有时笑只是因为不想面对, 不想回答.

今天呢, 是Janice的生日, YiXin呢就Plan了一个小小的游戏跟Janice玩. 可怜的Janice被我们玩到那么可怜. 哈哈. 但是嘛~也值得, 是不是? 不但得到了礼物, 还有个难忘的生日呢~礼物我就没准备啦, 不好意思, 今年经济不好. 哈哈.

有件事我真不明白 o.o 有人把我帮他买的Pick弄不见了. 真厉害~第二个弄不见了. 哈哈~ 那么美的Pick也可以弄不见== 我还真佩服你. 才几天罢了啊! 我的天. 你要多一个一模一样的Pick, 我看是真的需要一段时间了. 你就等99吧, 等到我去Imperial Mall再帮你们吧.

Today's quote :

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New profile pic in Facebook

Just changed my profile picture in Facebook O.O Maybe some of my friends will ask me "Change again?" . Haha. Yea, I changed my profile pic again. This time I changed the same one with my good friend, Chung Ling. Please take note, we are just GOOD FRIEND. Haha. The picture was took by Chung Ling himself. Actually he wan to take his own picture, but I kacau him when I saw him perasan again. HAHA! :x (I say nothing) . There were some more pictures took on that day which is 4th of August (Last Thursday) when we were waiting for the time reach 4.10pm.

The crazy me :)
The hardworking CJ :D
Mata Julin :P
Angeline & I XD
(She is so tall that even when stand with my tiptoes, I still shorter than her)
My New Profile Picture
(Two PIG ~ LOL !)

I gave the guitar pick to my friend yesterday and he was satisfied with it. Haha. Not only him, the one sitting beside me (Felix) also said that the pick look nice. HAHA. Definately it's nice. HAHA. Because for me its very nice and special too :D Finally, I bought something that he satisfied :) Today my mom made mooncake :D I ate 1 mini mooncakes when i back home. Wahahah. I'm so happy. hehehe :D Happy Mooncake Festival (早来的祝福)

Today's quote :
"Loneliness makes people forget how to cherish life and forgot how precious the life is."
人是因为孤单, 而不懂得珍惜生命, 不懂得生命的可贵

Saturday, August 6, 2011




今天呢,过得不错。买了很多给我外甥的衣服,还买了跟姐姐一样的手表。也帮朋友买了Guitar pick希望他喜欢啦。哈哈。下午还还了我的心愿,让我吃了GCB,还在McD看到朋友 O.O 现在才发觉到他变了。哈哈。可能是我不了解他罢了。因为现在他看起来比较踏实了。
这就是Guitar Pick的近照O.O希望会合你心意啦

Today's quote :
"The days I spend with you are always Valentine's day, because you are my valentine"

Thursday, August 4, 2011


What is love? A lot of people around me troubled in love. Love is confusing. The more you want to forget or avoid, the more you can't. Some of the people can recover from the pain in a short time after being hurt but for some of them, the hurt will occupy their life. True, a new relationship is just like a gamble. Your love, your time, your heart are your wagers. No one can previse the things that happen in the future, or even the next minutes. If you never start a gamble, you will never know the result. Do not judge a book by its cover, but normally people choose a book by judging its cover. It's just like gambling. If you never try, you will never know. If you never try to be in love, you will never know what is the feeling of in love. Love can be easy, can be hard, can be simple, can be complicated, can be happy, can be hurt. Its just like gambling. How much you pay doesn't mean you how much you get. Love can also be a challenge. Challenging yourself how much can you give and how much can you pay for the consequences. Love is just like gambling, before you get into it, you have to know you have to pay for any the consequences, even if its not the one in you expectation.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Music :)

These few days I played Felix's guitar in school during break time (and today after school) till my fingertip painful. LOL! I starting to play it smoother than when I played it 1st time :D So happy. Haha. But I don't feel to learn it, dunno why. I got the piano score last few days from Felix O.O "For Elise" is so hard. OMG! LOL! I only can play the 1st part. FAIL! =.= Btw, I will try my best. HEHE. I'll get Canon in D and Kiss The Rain de score soon. :D! Wish me good luck. God bless. HEHE

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

During Break Time ~ !

Yesterday, Anthonia was having fun with her camera. She took my photo when I was laughing for unknown reason. LOL! I like the picture actually although its quite funny. HAHA
I dunno what reason made me laugh like this while others doing homework so seriously
We were staring at our youngest sister due to her disobedient
(HAHA *Evil Laugh*)
*Eiwenne, Eleen, Jun Tsui, Anthonia, Cj, Kimberley, Jun Ni & Angeline*
(Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, Lah, Di, Doh)
The two kindergarden kids playing with "car"
O.O ! Samseng Lao DA! LordKim!
(Finally she took off her transformer, gratz :D)

My school life actually became happier since I'm so good with them this year. Not only "The Secret Seven", but also with SukYin, YumYum and ect. :D Thanks a lot for giving me so much of joy.

Today quote : (Learn from either Felix/Brian/EuMin)
"I'm gay but I'm not a gay"

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last day of July

Today is the last day of July. 2ml will be the fst day of August. Haiz. SO FAST ! == Really so fast. OMG. I cant believe. HAHA.! I just viewed the photo of prefect's night last night. Feel that it was so fun. Haha. Too bad I'm not a prefect. Lala~ Cant blame anyone. I chose to not to be a prefect. I hope the decision isnt wrong one. Today have piano class at 1245. Haha. Wish me good luck. Because I didnt practice it for about 1 week? Lol. Going to makan lunch :D See you all again

Today's quote :)
"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

Saturday, July 30, 2011




任何有意要帮的同学们请来找我 :)

Facebook或是在这里Leave Comment,或是私底下找我也行。

希望大家可以帮忙,搞好这次同学会 :)



今天是七月的最后第二天,时间真的过得好快。这几天在学校都有Guitar好玩 :D 我发觉到自己好像爱上了音乐似的。我找到了Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars的音调,很开心地告诉了我亲爱的老妈,结果她笑我 :( 算了~我不介意。哈哈。最近我和朋友们都很喜欢玩一个Game,Tetris Battle,有兴趣的人可以试试看。蛮不错的。还可以跟朋友一起玩,然后一起KO别人。Concert过后,我跟几个朋友感情好很多。三八三八得感情变好了,还有属于自己的秘密基地。呵呵。我完全忘记了星期一要交Physics的功课,所以我连书都没带回。最近变得越来越懒惰,不知道如何是好。唉!刚才换了我Blog的背景,突然觉得越简单越好。哈哈。人生也是,越简单越好;越复杂,越麻烦。希望成绩会越来越好 :( 有点怕怕。就这样吧,改天再见 :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Concert 2011 :)

Rock and Roll :D
*Took by Mr William Ting*
这一张是Felix拍的,Rock' n Roll,Group Photo不美所以没有Upload
这个是Jump的Leader,叫做Jun Tsui,
是个开心果 哈哈
这一张曾经是我Facebook的Profile Pic,



Friday, June 10, 2011



找來找去,結果還是去AD Jeans選了Tshirt跳。

- 人 總 是 要 受 傷 後 才 會 學 會 放 棄 -

Monday, June 6, 2011



Saturday, June 4, 2011


放假第一天就看到老師在Facebook post了有關於去德教會比賽的事情。
第一次的Audition蠻順利的,COmment都很不錯,只是到最後一支舞蹈的時候被Mdm Wee叫我認真點。
本來說想在這個假期裡去打份Part Time的,結果呢,練舞的時間不確定,所以不能。
前天練舞的時候用我朋友的MacBook Pro拍了幾張照片。呵呵。鬧著玩罷了。

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's meaningful :)

1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.

4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

6) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.

7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.

8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10) Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other.
Love's mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book.
To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all.
Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, it is woman's whole existence.
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquith, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.
11.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
12. Love is not only a sentiment but also an art.爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。
13. Love triumphs over everthing. Love has no age, no limit and no death. 爱情战胜一切。爱情没有寿命,没有极限,不会死亡。
14. Dont' spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你分享的人身上。
15. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。
16. Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies.爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。
17. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
18. There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continu
Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
Love never dies.
The darkness is no darkness with thee.
We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.
The soul cannot live without love.
Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.
Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.
The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love.
Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.
She who has never loved, has never lived.
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.
To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.
Where there is love, there are always wishes.
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.
Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.
Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.
Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.
Love without end hath no end.
Love is a fire which burns unseen.
You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.
Love is more than a word, it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel y
My river runs to thee. Blue sea, wilt thou welcome me? My river awaits reply.Oh! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson
All it took was one glance.Now all I ask is one chance,To try to win your heart.Just give me a chance to start.I'll show you it was meant to be.To be together is our destiny. DANIEL LAZARUS GARCIA
Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony. Just give me a chance and you will agree.I was meant for you.And you were meant for me. DANIEL LAZARUS GARCI
Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart. Sandra Robbins Heaton
Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart.I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick
没有你? 我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。


Monday, May 2, 2011


我好像变了,变得不像是我,变得连我自己都无法忍受自己的脾气、自私、小气、不耐烦。我怎么了?:'( 我希望这种改变的日子可以赶快结束,我要回我的原点



Saturday, April 23, 2011



Thursday, April 21, 2011


还记得你的童年吗?小时候的我,常常希望自己快快长大,希望快快成为大人,穿大人穿的衣服,做大人做的事,写大人写的字,有时还会做明星或是歌星的梦,也有时会自言自语地把自己当老师教书。还记得小时候,常常去作弄我姐姐,弄到我姐姐生气后就怕得躲到妈妈身边,然后看到姐姐被骂的时候就“放心”了。哈哈!自己一个人和妈妈在家的时候就坐在我家的厨房的地板那里,吃着妈妈给我的饼干还是米粉之类的食物,跟家里煤气烤炉的镜子里的我玩。要不然就站在妈妈旁边,妈妈去到厨房里的洗碗盆,我就跟妈妈去到洗碗盆,走到旁边选菜,我就跟她到那里看,然后妈妈就会骂我“哎呀!人家在这边做东西,你在这边顶位做么?”。还有还有,以前下午的时候常常和妈妈到屋外的土地那里,看妈妈拔草或是摘水果/蔬菜的,然后6点多那样就跟妈妈一起看戏。一年级读下午班,每次去学校一定会先买好下课要吃的东西,因为懒惰下课的时候跟大班的人挤。还记得以前我买的食物有汁,弄到我的课本。哈哈。以前我超嘴馋的,超级爱喝维他精,每次我都把全部整排的维他精都喝光光,然后又被我妈妈和姐姐骂得狗血淋头。哈哈。还有小时候爱骑脚踏车,每次都刮到爸爸的mercedes,然后就被妈妈骂==以前就不知道为什么,就是喜欢做这样的事情。哈哈。被妈妈骂了还是不会觉醒,要被骂了几次才会听话。以前小时候,不喜欢妈妈下车陪我,因为同学们很爱问我一个问题“为什么你妈妈那么老的?”,而我不知道怎么回答。小时候,我觉得很羞耻,即使我知道这是错的,我心里依然这样想。不知道为什么,或许是不知道怎么回应同学们的问题吧。我承认,我曾经真的很不孝。唉!不说这个了。我还记得哦,以前我问妈妈我从哪里来的,妈妈告诉我“从垃圾桶捡来的”其实我很伤心。哈哈。但是想起来都好笑。以前晚上睡觉然后半夜醒来的时候还会看看妈妈是不是还有呼吸,因为我害怕她突然离开我。或许朋友都会笑我,就连自己也会笑自己。哈哈 但是这是事实,即使到现在我还是会害怕。那时候听到新生(抱歉依然忘了你的名字怎么写)说的那个华语Oral,虽然她讲话小小声,我想是因为新生的关系吧,但是我真的被她所说的感动到。哈哈。的确,我们不应该忽略父母。那个抚养我们长大的人:)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oral Tests

Today my post is about the English Oral I presented today :D I hope that everyone in the classroom enjoyed my topic. Haha. I find my oral topic for so long time and finally i presented today :D Muahaha. No more stress for oral. Hehe. This week no test also. So its quite relax. BUT! Only for this week TT Haha. Its better than don have . haha. So i finally got a 26 marks result out of 30 for my English Oral Test. Its quite unbelievable that my Chinese Oral Test is more lousy than my English one. Guess what? My Chinese Oral Test only get 21 out of 30. Think my English teacher is not that strict compare to my Chinese teacher. Haiz~ But...... luckily its not the final mark for my SPM mark. Because teacher said will choose the highest mark among the 4 tests. Meaning that I have 3 more to go for my Chinese Oral Test. And the second one will be on the stage. Hope can get high mark in my oral exam. Sad case for my oral for another language subject which is BM. Heard that the highest mark is 20 marks out of 30. Aduhai =.= Meaning that my group will only get 10++ marks for oral. What the. Speechless. Well, wish that my final marks for my SPM oral exam will be good ;) God bless

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yea, today my topic is stress. Lols. Just saw that 2 of my friends having the same title so i decided to be the third one writing it. Haha. What is your stress"est" subject for you? Bio? Phy? Chem? Or sejarah? Haiz~For me its Sejarah. Really, this subject gave me the most stress among all. Need to hafal this hafal that. First and second tests Im still be patience of it because only test for 1-2 subtitle. But this time tested 1 whole chapter. Oh NooOo~ T.T Haiz. I have no good way to study Sejarah. Do you? Can teach me? Haiz. Really stress of it.
Well, today is the polling day for Sarawak. DAP in Miri won all :D Haha. First time they win so 风光. Hope they can really UBAH Miri to a better city. ;) And also hope that I wont be that stress till I have the action like the pic above. :(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sharing and my physics test today

AY introduced me this video today. And I started to addict on the way the guitarist play the guitar. Its fantastic! Haha. Seriously. Its really nice. He can do the effect by just playing the guitar along. Wew~ Love it so much :D Hahaha.

In the other hand, my physics test today is suxk. Really. Very very xxxx. TT Haiz. Because i only know how to do maybe 15 questions out of 30? Hmmm~ not sure. First time I tembak on my test paper without thinking the question because its running out of time. Haiz. Its really not enough for me to finish the 30 questions in 35 minutes time. AND! Most importantly is, Mdm Wee still say the paper is too easy. What the =.= Alright, whatever. I forgive you :D Haha. Lols. RRSS day is postponed to 6th of May. Meaning that out next holiday (actually not counted as holiday also) is 2 more weeks later. Haiz~ Time passes so fast. Today is already 15th of April (Oh yea, Aaron Chin & Joanne's birthdays)[Happy Birthday :D]. Few weeks later will be in May. Oh NoooOOoo! Semester test is coming soon. Oh Shxx. Lols. Today I still haven't take my English oral test yet. Huhu. So I booked teacher on the 12th of May for the Oral Test le. :D Wish I can score a good mark in my English Oral. All the best to myself. GOod night everyone

Before & after :D

Finally i got my camera from my car :D Hehe. MOst of the people said I look nice in my new hairstyle. Haha. Im quite happy to know that (Of course will be happy). Haha. So the pictures below are my look before I cut my hair and after I have my new hair style.

Before :D ↑

and ... ...

After ↑ XD

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ι мιƨƨ мʏ ρяɛvισʋƨ тɛαcнɛя

These few days I started to miss my previous Maths teacher. Ah Tay!! TT Haiz. Really i miss his teaching days a lot. Because Im still not get used to the way the new teacher (actually not a new one) teach although he teach me form 1 for 1 year. Maybe its because Ah Tay too pamper and sayang us and give us too much freedom already. Huhu. Haiz.

Finally I found a easier topic to talk about in my English oral and I just done my script. Walau eh . Seems so long so i canceled it off. I don't want to stay in front and talk for so long time. Haha. Lol. Still left Chinese and English oral for now. Wish that those orals will be nice. And scored a good mark. That's for sure. Everyone like good marks. Haiz.

These few days are so ..... emotional? not sure how to tell. Just my mood can suddenly change so fast and turns out to another type of me. Dunno what's the reason also. Heard that its because of the hormones. Hope it will pass soon. I don wan suffer from this. Don wan to feel lonely again. Huhu. And also, these few days my form teacher keep on saying me a big bully . Am I that bad? LOL. Haha. :P But, I know she's just kidding (for 50%). Well, that's all from me ;)

ɢσσ∂ иιɢнт αи∂ тακɛ cαяɛ ɛʌɛяʏσиɛ ;) Ǥσ∂ вℓɛƨƨ ʏσʋ

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our old car :'( but new hairstyle & new classmate :D

Today my house de old car sold. Its a 26 years old car, which mean elder than me 10 years. In another way to say it is same age with my 5th sis :D Haiz. So sad when I knew my mom gonna sell it. I took some pic of the old car but my camera in the another car, so still can't upload pic here. Haha. Haiz. Saturday I went to Kelvin's Saloon (wish that I didn't spelled it wrongly :p), finally i cut my hair short ;p Still, the pics are in the camera which stay inside the car. Haha. Today was my first day I go school after I cut my hair. Most of my friends ask me "你受了什么刺激?" or "你为什么想不开?". Actually I didn't 受刺激 or 想不开. Just wanna try to have new look only. Some of them said I look younger with my new hairstyle but then still have some ppl said I look older. Some of them just surprised or shocked till speechless. Hahahha. They were so funny when I saw their speechless face. Lols. Today was also my first time join BM Forum. Was so panic man =='" I went for fun and just for experience nia. So I don't really expect much from that. At least i tried :D I just got back my Physics and Biology test paper today. Physics get 20/30 and Biology 66% . Not really a good result. So I think this time can't hit my 75% target in my average. Well, I have to be contentment so that I can feel better :D But then I have to be not so contentment also so that I can improve more. Hehe. Oh ya, forget to write something. I have a new classmate today from Pei Min but she was borned in Pahang. She is Yi Qin :D Wish you won't mind if I write your name here yea ;) Hope we will be friends or even good friends. Wish you can overcome all the stress that you might be face in RRSS (I believe you can. Because Pei Min is also not a school that can study without stress. Plus you are a excellent student ;p ) Good luck to you my new classmate, my new friend.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fecebook 23 likes :)

nothing to post. but i have something to share.
This is what i really feel those few days.
Some of the days before I smiled in front of friends, laugh in front of friends, happy in front of friends or family, but my smiling and laughing face disappeared when i just turn around.
Haha. Why? I dunno. Maybe lake of LOVE! :D lol