Today my post is about the English Oral I presented today :D I hope that everyone in the classroom enjoyed my topic. Haha. I find my oral topic for so long time and finally i presented today :D Muahaha. No more stress for oral. Hehe. This week no test also. So its quite relax. BUT! Only for this week TT Haha. Its better than don have . haha. So i finally got a 26 marks result out of 30 for my English Oral Test. Its quite unbelievable that my Chinese Oral Test is more lousy than my English one. Guess what? My Chinese Oral Test only get 21 out of 30. Think my English teacher is not that strict compare to my Chinese teacher. Haiz~ But...... luckily its not the final mark for my SPM mark. Because teacher said will choose the highest mark among the 4 tests. Meaning that I have 3 more to go for my Chinese Oral Test. And the second one will be on the stage. Hope can get high mark in my oral exam. Sad case for my oral for another language subject which is BM. Heard that the highest mark is 20 marks out of 30. Aduhai =.= Meaning that my group will only get 10++ marks for oral. What the. Speechless. Well, wish that my final marks for my SPM oral exam will be good ;) God bless ♥
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